Can’t find the right place for your inquiry?
Is there an industry issue you believe needs our attention?
Are you looking to hire a photographer, videographer or a visual media maker?
Please send us an email with questions, concerns or ideas and we will get back to you with the best person to connect with.
If you would like us to promote your work on social media, amplify a community event, or share a resource, you can also reach out via in-app direct messaging to our Instagram team or our Twitter team to share via repost/retweet.
We offer strategic storytelling/EDI consultations, guest speaking, workshop facilitation, small group discussions, and various other speaking and educational engagements.
If you’d like to interview Authority Collective board members or community members, send us an email and we’ll be in touch.
If you have an assignment or other type of commission and are looking for a specific type of work in a specific location, send us an email so we can share it with our community directly. Please include the best way for community members to reach out if they’re interested in your brief!
We love collaborating with colleagues, allies, organizations and institutions who share our mission of creating an accessible, equitable visual media industry. If you're interested in building a program or creating an opportunity together, please email us and be as detailed as possible with your vision — even if you’re still in the brainstorming stage.